Bharat Swachhata Abhiyan- Uttam Prayas for a Clean India

Bharat Swachhata Abhiyan wants to achieve – a clean and beautiful India. At Uttam Prayas, we know that a clean place is good for our health and happiness. That’s why we are working hard to help with this mission and asking you to join us in making our country cleaner.

What is Bharat Swachhata Abhiyan?

Bharat Swachhata Abhiyan, also known as the Clean India Mission, is a big campaign started by the government of India to make our country clean and beautiful. The goal is to keep our streets, roads, and cities free from garbage and litter. It is a way to ensure that everyone can live in a clean environment.

Why is Cleanliness Important?

Cleanliness is very important for our health. When our surroundings are clean, we are less likely to get sick. It also makes our country look nice and attractive. Clean places make people feel happy and proud.

What Can You Do to Help?

Everyone can help in this mission, even children. Here are some simple ways you can contribute:

  1. Don’t Litter: Always throw waste in dustbins. Never throw trash on the roads or in open places.
  2. Recycle: Try to reuse things like plastic bottles or paper. This reduces waste.
  3. Clean Your Surroundings: Help clean your home, school, and neighborhood. Encourage your friends and family to do the same.
  4. Plant Trees: Trees keep the air clean and make our surroundings green and beautiful.
  5. Donation: If you can’t do any of them, you can help by donating.

How is Uttam Prayas Helping?

At Uttam Prayas, we are committed to supporting the Bharat Swachhata Abhiyan. We organize cleanliness drives where volunteers come together to clean public places like parks and streets. We also teach people about the importance of cleanliness and how they can keep their surroundings clean.

Join Us in Making India Clean

You can be a part of this important mission by joining Uttam Prayas. Together, we can make a big difference and keep our country clean and green. Remember, a clean India is a healthy India!

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Vikas Singh

Adeeba Haider

Adeeba Haider

Kuldeep Chauhan

Kuldeep Chauhan

Kuldeep Bisht

Kuldeep Bisht